Organizing an educational, fun, and adventurous school trip for your students? The professionals from Tickets Confirmed create a travel plan certain to satisfy students, parents, and administration. Whether you’re considering a day trip or international travel for a small or large group, our knowledgeable and experienced team guides you through every decision and stage of the process. We ensure the best transportation, accommodations, and activities to meet your requirements, budget, and goals.
Make planning for your school trip easier today!
The advantage of working with the specialists from Tickets Confirmed is peace of mind. We put our cutting edge, proprietary research and booking technology to work for you, completing strenuous safety checks and upholding strict standards of quality. You can trust the accommodations, transportation, excursions, and guides to live up to expectations, and you’ll have our continued and immediate support.
Our expert team handles all the details for your school travel plans!
Tickets Confirmed handles the details. We take care of logistics of a large group, take on the responsibility, and ensure greater value from your travel dollar. From choosing the destination and dates to payment and Travel Protection, the dedicated experts from Tickets Confirmed serve your best interests. We not only offer top destinations, but customize school tour options to suit your specific expectations. Contact us at (800) 586-8824 for further information and take advantage of your commitment to excellence.